In the unlikely event of a child going missing within/from the nursery the following procedure will be implemented immediately.

  • All staff present will be informed and an immediate thorough search of the nursery will be made followed by a search of the surrounding area, ensuring that all other children remain supervised throughout.

  • A staff member will notify the practitioner in charge, whilst other staff continue searching.

  • If the child has still not been accounted for the practitioner in charge will contact the police and the child’s parent/ carer

  • During this period, staff will be continually searching for the missing child, whilst other staff maintain as near to normal routine as possible for the rest of the children in the nursery.

  • The Person in charge will meet the police and parents/carers.

  • The Person in charge will then await instructions from the police.

  • Any incidents must be recorded in writing.

  • If a child is lost and then found during the day the parents/carers will be informed.

  • OFSTED must be contacted and informed of any incidents.


Regular head counts are carried out on children throughout the outing. In the unlikely event of a child going missing whilst on an outing the following procedure will be implemented immediately.

  • All staff present will be informed and an immediate thorough search of the area will be made, ensuring that all other children remain supervised throughout.

  • If appropriate, on-site security will also be informed and a description of the child given.

  • In the event of a child not being found, the designated person in charge will immediately inform the police.

  • The designated person in charge will then inform the nursery who will contact the child’s parents/carers giving details of what has happened.

  • Staff from the nursery will be sent to assist the safe return of the other children.

  • At least one member of staff will remain at the scene whilst others return to the nursery with the children. This member of staff will continue searching for the child.

  • The remaining member of staff will meet the police and parents/carers when they arrive at a designated point.