We believe that children and adults flourish best in an ordered environment in which everyone knows what is expected of them and children are free to develop their play and learning without fear of being hurt or hindered by anyone else. We aim to work towards an environment in which children can develop self-discipline and self-esteem in an atmosphere of mutual respect and encouragement.


Our aims and expectations for positive behaviour:

  • We believe that all children have basic needs

  • We cater for children’s needs by providing activities and experiences which are suitable for young children

  • We recognise that children with developmental delay will pass through the same stages, but may stay longer in each stage

  • We believe that positive adult responses can serve to accelerate children’s progress through the stages

  • We are aware that behaviour might be occurring for a variety of reasons


Our framework for behaviour management includes:

  • Providing a clear structure to each session

  • Providing clear routines

  • Preparing children for transition times during session Eg: In five minutes we will tidy for lunch”

  • Holding regular reviews of the activities to ensure they are developmentally appropriate

  • Providing variety to sustain interest

  • Maintaining a balance between adult-led and child-led activities

  • Ensuring that all staff consistently implement our positive rewards system

Our behaviour management plan:

We will manage behaviour in a positive way. We will look at the causes and ask the following questions?

  • Are the child’s needs being met?

  • Did we pre-empt the situation and remove temptations?

  • Did we give an early warning?

  • Did we exchange good news for bad?

  • Would a change of environment help?

We will teach positive behaviours to replace negative behaviours by:

  • Example

  • Prompting

  • Catching the child being good


We will encourage positive behaviours by:

  • Giving praise

  • Telling the children why we are pleased with their behaviour

  • Reward as soon as we see the behaviour we want to encourage


We will use:

  • Stickers/stars and/or the opportunity to play with or do something special with the child


We will manage behaviour through:

  • Not asking too much of the child too soon

  • Providing a high level of praise and reinforcement and encouragement

  • Small steps of progress

  • Being consistent about what we want the child to do

We will use:

  • A calm voice and relaxed body


We strive always to work closely with parents and carers

We will:

  • Share our behaviour policy with parents and carers

  • Enlist parents help with their child, sharing ideas of what works at home

  • Invite parents to share experiences within the setting and observe behaviours

  • Work in partnership with parents for the good of their child and enlist (with parents consent), help from outside agencies, should the need arise

  • Share with and invite good news from parents and carers verbally.

  • Provide opportunities for parents and carers to discuss any concerns in a confidential environment

We believe it is the behaviour that is challenging and not the child


The co-ordinator for behaviour management within our setting is:

Rebecca Jessop

The deputy is Elizabeth Thompson


The co-coordinators role is to monitor and manage the day to day framework for promoting positive behaviour.


If a parent has a concern about behaviour they should contact the above person in the first instance (or another senior member of staff)

In extreme circumstances Bobtails reserves the right to request the parents/carers to remove their child from the setting for a ‘cooling off period’. In exceptional circumstances Bobtails reserve the right to request the parents/carers to remove their child on a permanent basis.


Statutory guidance to which providers should have regard:

Physical intervention should only be used to manage a child’s behaviour if it is necessary to prevent personal injury to the child, other children or an adult, to prevent serious damage to property or in what would reasonably be regarded as exceptional circumstances. Any occasion when physical intervention is used to manage a child’s behaviour should be recorded and parents should be informed about it on the same day. At no time will the staff or setting use corporal punishment.